Help me to help other people (You'll earn extra income)

August 2nd, 2011 at 4:19 pm EEST

Hi Friend,

What would you say if I tell you that...

You can help me to HELP other PWS(people who stutter),
make a DIFFERENCE in their lives and on top of all that you can
generate and earn some INCOME in exchange... just by surfing the
internet on your free time, less than 10 minutes a day.

You might be a student who'd need
that income to cover your expenses or
may be you already have a job but would
appreciate some extra income in exchange of
helping people who stutter.

...just let me know that you are interested so I can send you
more info on it.

What you'll do is ridiculously easy and you don't need
anything other than a COMPUTER and an INTERNET connection.
You won't need to meet, interact or speak to anybody.

All I will expect from you is... COPY + PASTE + CLICK :)

I'm serious, it is that simple!

At this point I need your help to be able to reach and
help as many PWS(people who stutter) as I can all around
the world.

As I said, what you'll do is EXTREMELY simple and
best of all you will earn income performing those extremely simple
tasks on the internet on your FREE TIME.

If you are interested to:
* help me and therefore help other PWS all around the world
* make a difference in their lives
* earn income

...all by working on your computer on your free time less than 10 minutes a day

...then feel free to reply this email to request more information.

Once you let me know that you are interested, I'll explain you
how this simple process will work in detail with step-by-step instructions.

This is a win-win case.
At the end of the day everybody will benefit from this. You, me and all the
people we are going to be able to help together as a result of this.

Hope this will interest you.

I am looking forward to hearing from you, Friend.

Talk soon,
