Don't miss this opportunity!

December 21st, 2010 at 8:01 pm EEST

You probably already know that I am a huge believer of
"taking immediate action" in life when it comes to the fine line between
success and failure... and I fully believe that "taking immediate action"
should always be rewarded.

You probably have also heard about the Stuttering Dissolution Multimedia
Program(SDMP) which I put together for PWS(people who stutter) who
want to remove the obstacle of stuttering out of their way to live the life they

It took me 6 MONTHS to compile every single detail in one COMPLETE package.
I fully focused on to make it like the package I wish I had when I first decided to do
something about my speech. A complete package like this would have saved me a lot
of time, energy, money… and I wouldn’t have had to go through all that frustration
failure after failure.

Anyways, if you already invested on SDMP you know what I am talking about.
However, if you haven’t yet, there is something which I thought you might want to
know before it is too late.

…and just for your information, I am sharing this ONLY with the members of
Stuttering Dissolution Email List.

Here is what I mentioned in a section of my letter to you at SDMP page which you
can access by visiting

“ … why am I doing this? Why all these material ONLY for $48?
Let me explain. Because;

1- I know what it means to want something but not being able to afford it

2- I strongly believe the importance of taking immediate action. My
life experiences have taught me that taking immediate action is
extremely important. It is the difference between success and failure,
achieving and wishing. I strongly believe that people who take
immediate action should be REWARDED no matter what!

Considering that you’ll get ebooks, 7-8 hours of audio and
various videos all full of high value material, this may sound like a joke.
I am fully aware that this is a ridiculously low price for the package
I am offering to you here. But as I mentioned above, I am doing this
for a reason.

I want the people who take immediate action to have something
better than the rest who only think(!) about doing something.
Some things should differentiate people who take responsibility
and DO something from people who only THINK about doing
something. People have to develop this characteristic, because
it makes all the difference in the world when it comes to reaching
your goals and living a fulfilled life.

That is exactly why I want to reward those people who will not
procrastinate, invest in themselves and take immediate action
to turn things into “BETTER”…  And with all the bonuses and
%100 money back guarantee, there is nothing you should think about... “

OK, that was a section from my letter to you...

I always stand behind my promises so I did in this case as well.

As an exclusive member of my email list, I thought you might want to know this
before the change takes place.

The price of SDMP is going up very soon. It may take place even before
the holiday season ends.

Now is the time to take action. Go and read the details about the program.
Check out all the EBOOKS you’ll get, take a look what you are going to learn in
the AUDIO PROGRAM, see what the VIDEOS are about, and last but not least
pay special attention to the INTERVIEWS which comes as a bonus with the SDMP.

What could possibly be a better gift than SDMP for Christmas or for the
new year 2011?

Don't be one of those people who set goals every Christmas and
let those dreams die by end of January.

There is really nothing to lose. If you think the information I share with you
in that package has no value for you, then simply let me know and I’ll be
happy to refund your every penny without asking you a single question… and
you can keep all the material as an exchange of your “wasted time”. I am that
confident with and stand behind the material I put together for you.

The difference in price will not be minor, so if you are planning to invest on this
complete package then now is the time…

Take a look at it and the decision is yours.

If you are not interested to take this opportunity, that's cool, we are still friends
and I'll still be providing you free material to improve your speech and your life
as much as my time allows me. However, if you decide to take the opportunity
of accessing the COMPLETE package and invest on your speech and on your
future, today is the day to get it for a ridiculously low price.

If you are interested please take action now because it might not be available
the next time you visit the page.

…and if you have any questions please feel free to reply to this email and I’ll try
to answer all your questions as soon as I can.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

All the best

Your friend,


P.S: The price and payment process are all handled by a 3rd party company which
provides top level online services. It costs me a bunch to work with them but your information’s
security is very important to me. When it comes to reliability, quality, privacy and credit card
data transfer I don’t joke around and I work with THE BEST OF THE BEST out there for
your guaranteed privacy and information security.