Did you miss Thursday's webinar?

December 21st, 2013 at 8:24 am EEST

First of all, let me make something clear here.

This list is very important to me and I'll
keep sharing helpful content(trainings,
webinars,videos, audios, pdf files, etc.) with this
list as long as the content is high quality and
helpful to people who are willing to do
something about their speech.

If you do NOT want to receive such emails
from me, then feel free to unsubscribe from this
email list. If you wish to do so, scroll down and
unsubscribe from the list. When you unsubscribe,
you will NOT receive any more emails from me. 

However, if you do WANT to receive emails from me,
then you don't need to do anything, just sit back and
enjoy all the good stuff I'll be sharing with you:)

Now back to the fun stuff...

As you know I did a live webinar on Thursday. It went
very well and I got great feedback about it.

However, I also got a lot of emails from people who
couldn't make the webinar for various reasons.

There are thousands of people following Stuttering Dissolution
and they are all from different countries which causes
some problems. For example; the time difference between
India and US Pacific time is 13.5 hours, which makes it almost
impossible to pick a good webinar time which fits all:)

So here is what I decided to do about it...

Instead of sending you the replay of the webinar, I said "what
the heck, I'll do the webinar again":)

So, on Sunday(12.22.2013) I'm doing the same webinar AGAIN.

This time I'll hold the webinar considering people who
couldn't make it the first time.

Here is your webinar details...

Topic: 7 Worst Mistakes & Most Important Mindset Shifts
In Overcoming Stuttering

Date: 22 December 2013, Sunday

Time: 10 AM Pacific Time / 1 PM Eastern Time /  6 PM UK / 11:30 PM India

This will be your webinar link. You'll receive a reminder email
from me before the webinar.

What are we going to talk about during the webinar?

* 7 Worst Mistakes PWS Make Which Ruins Their Chances Of
Overcoming Stuttering...and What To Do About It!

* 7 Mandatory Mindset Shifts in Overcoming Stuttering

* Q/A Session At The End Of The Webinar

* A Special Surprise From Me To All Webinar Attendees

I'll see you in this great webinar again on Sunday!

Wishing you the best,


P.S: This is your webinar link, but I'll be sending you a reminder
email before the webinar starts. Put it on your schedule and get ready
for another great webinar;)
