Am I CRAZY or COOL to say this?

February 11th, 2011 at 8:53 pm EEST

Hi Friend,

Do you think your stuttering is something which
makes you "not cool", therefore you don't like it?

Do you see it as an UNWANTED feature of you which
you wish you didn't have?

If so;

I am sorry but you are COMPLETELY WRONG!

... and here is why!

Most of us(me included) at one point see our stuttering as something
which ruins our whole life.

Let me tell you what though...

You might think I am CRAZY to say this, but...

Stuttering is a cool GIFT which is presented to you by life!

I know you are already thinking I am out of my mind,
but don't JUDGE ME too early.

Take a look at this first and THEN decide whether I am crazy... or cool ;)

I included a printed version of my phone conversation with my mentor
on there as well.

I was so close to kill him, but I am glad I didn't.

Check this out!


P.S: I have a new video and an article coming soon about
stuttering and dating. I'll do my best to finish it before
Valentine's Day ;)