| …Even though I'm 5'3" and small, and only a few months ago I got tired climbing a flight of stairs, people now automatically think of me as strong and athletic...
I went on my first backpacking trip and didn't feel like I was exerting myself, even walking for several hours with a heavy pack.
I moved a 70lb. air conditioner for my boyfriend because I could move it easier than him. He told me to be careful of my back. I told him my back could take it and I was more worried about my nails.
I think it's funny to open jars for him too.
| | In a recent post a gentleman wrote:
| I achieved the Simple [standard] today!
I’m a 21-year-old college student, 6 feet tall, bodyweight between 80 and 83 kilos. I’ve always been obsessed with athletics of some sort (1,000+ point scorer in high school basketball and 455kg powerlifting total before the pandemic).
I got into kettlebell training due to the pandemic and needing to find a way to train. My first year of kettlebell training wasn’t smart…lessons learned, I’ve moved on.
On April 22nd, 2021, I started S&S with 28kg swings and get-ups. I was ending my junior year of college, was bombarded with exams and projects and needed a program that was simple, effective, left me energy for my day and required zero thinking. S&S fit perfectly!
…after almost 7 months and many lessons learned, I’ve achieved the Timed Simple with 36kg.
I am in the overall best shape of my life. S&S has the perfect blend of power, explosiveness, strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, coordination, balance, mobility, flexibility, etc. I highly recommend it to everyone and have done so on many occasions.
My body has loved working on purely goblet squats, swings, and get-ups, so I have no intention of switching programs. Now, it’s time to work towards achieving the big goal, the Sinister!
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Amazon’s #1 Kettlebell Training Bestseller
Available in Paperback, Kindle, and Audiobook