Subject: The School of Strength is in session this summer

It may be summertime but the School of Strength is in session!

Take advantage of the summer by attending a StrongFirst workshop. Nothing beats getting hands-on experience with expert instruction to get your kettlebell, barbell, and bodyweight training on the right track. Recent Kettlebell 101 and 201 attendees had this to say:

I had a great time last weekend attending both KB 101 and KB 201. My get-up is 100% better. I’ve taken away different cues that have helped all of my lifts.

Thank you for the wonderful workshop! I had high expectations going in, and you exceeded them. I was most impressed with your instruction and the constant attention of all the coaches. It was a great learning experience.

You may have been using kettlebells on your own or maybe it has been a while since an expert looked for opportunities for improvement and you should not miss this chance.

We are excited to announce that StrongFirst will be part of the IDEA® World Health & Fitness Convention in Los Angeles this July. For 40 years IDEA® has been educating trainers and this year StrongFirst is honored to be part of the convention.

You can work with StrongFirst in three ways at the convention:

  1. StrongFirst Kettlebell 101 and Kettlebell 201 workshops on July 10th

  2. Two educational sessions on July 11th

  3. Visit the StrongFirst expo hall booth on July 12th and 13th

Take advantage of one or all three.

The Kettlebell 101 and 201 workshops will be unique events led by two StrongFirst Certified Senior Instructors, Analisa Naldi and Yoana Teran. They will be assisted by other StrongFirst Certified Instructors who are all excited to be part of the event.

The educational sessions will cover essential StrongFirst kettlebell techniques with presentations by Analisa and Yoana on: “Ballistic Trifecta—swing, clean, and snatch” and the “get-up—The Multipurpose Tool.” Attendees will get to experience how StrongFirst teaches kettlebell technique at the highest level with safety as part of proper performance.

Don’t miss the chance to visit the StrongFirst booth in the Expo Hall and get your form checked by a StrongFirst Certified Instructor. We will be there to answer your questions and talk all things kettlebell and StrongFirst.

And IDEA® is providing StrongFirst with a $50 discount on registration for the convention (workshops are separate preconference events) and the full conference registration includes access to a 1-year IDEA® Professional membership. Register by June 21st for the best savings.

Use code: STRONGFIRSTWORLD24 to save $50!


We look forward to seeing you at a StrongFirst workshop and the IDEA® World Health & Fitness Convention in Los Angles this July.

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