Subject: The Kur for your kettlebell swing and clean

StrongFirst is an international School of Strength, so if you thought the subject of this email had a misspelling in it, please read on.

Kenneth Bolyard, StrongFirst Certified Team Leader, explains:

The German word Kur (pronounced koor) refers to a treatment or therapy, particularly a therapeutic course or a period of treatment designed to restore health. In the context of training—particularly the kettlebell swing and clean—we could think of it as a period of practice designed to restore proficiency.

This dedicated period of specific practice can be administered to athletes starting their kettlebell journey to build skill in the initial stages of the kettlebell swing. Similarly, the same practice period can be used by an experienced kettlebell practitioner to reinforce the basic skills of the movement.

Kenneth continues:

Seasoned kettlebell athletes and StrongFirst Certified Instructors share a common trait: they regularly return to the foundations of complex movements, such as the kettlebell swing and clean. It is in this return to basics that fundamental skills are practiced and refined to achieve a high level of proficiency.

This is what it means to be a student of strength.

Click here to read what Kenneth shares as the Kur to build proficiency and skill in your kettlebell swing and clean.

This includes detailed technique focus and training programs.

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