Subject: The Cruiser program—just roll a die

It is cliché to say that time is our most precious commodity, and it is the reality of the modern world that time feels like it is going faster than ever. This is a fact in all our lives. Work, family, and training all vie for the 24 hours we have in a day. And training can come in last.


So, what is a busy parent to do when they are looking to reclaim their fitness?


They roll a die…or two.




When challenged to create a program to help his wife fit training into their busy lives, the Cruiser program was created using die roll strategies to ensure randomization of the order, volume, and effort.


Fabio states: “To design a plan that suited both Alice’s needs and schedule, and guarantee she would follow it, I knew it needed to be: 

  1. Time-efficient

  2. Simple

  3. Flexible

  4. Entertaining 

I came up with the “Cruiser,” a simple yet effective Built Strong template based on four movement patterns and the roll of a die that calls for three sessions per week.”

To read the article laying out the Cruiser program—CLICK HERE.


To learn more about the concepts and details behind this and much more then Programming Demystified is what you are looking for and the price goes up in the next week.


Built Strong Random, and the Cruiser big brother…the Battleship program will be revealed at Programming Demystified. Don’t miss it.

Programming Demystified, the new StrongFirst Seminar with Pavel Tsatsouline, Fabio Zonin, Hector Gutierrez Jr.