Subject: StrongFirst Promotions | April 3, 2019

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Leaders always practice the three R’s: Respect for self, Respect for others, Responsibility for all their actions.
This reflects our Code of conduct very well.

Each year it is my privilege to work with our current Leadership to look over our instructor ranks for potential promotion. We look at involvement within the StrongFirst community in promoting our mission, values, and principles, instruction at StrongFirst courses, certifications, and events, recommendations from other leadership, and adherence to our Code.
I am a Student of Strength.
I am a Quiet Professional.
Strength has a Greater Purpose.
We are extremely fortunate to have a large pool of talented and valued instructors, having achieved or working towards their Elite status, that continue to diligently represent our school. But this also makes narrowing down our decision more difficult. Those that move into the positions of Team Leader, Senior, and Master Instructors help to promote and practice our principles and Code.

Please join me in welcoming the following StrongFirst-certified instructors to the Leadership:
Team Leader
Maggie Burrows
Victor Carillo
Owen Chau 
Chris Hook
John T. Kenny
Tom Liang
Justyna Macek
Noah Maxwell

Claire Booth
Tiago Proenca
Yoana Teran

"Leadership is action, not position."
Donald H. McGannon
Brett Jones, Director of Education
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