Subject: Pushup = Bench press? Just add a band

The pushup is the classic upper-body exercise. And most calisthenics programs focus on building to higher repetition work, but StrongFirst focuses on strength. The Hard Style pushup progression to the one-arm pushup is a worthy journey, but how can we keep the strength focus with the traditional pushup?


Just add a band.


According to a study from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research1, when a 6RM load/intensity is equated between the bench press and the pushup, similar strength gains and muscle activity can be achieved.


The research used an elastic band and testing to find a 6RM load for the pushup and then a training protocol of 6/5 with four minutes rest trained two times a week for five weeks and the same testing and training protocol used for a Smith Machine bench press. EMG was also used to confirm the muscle activation levels between the bench press and pushup. The results showed similar strength gains between the groups.

The key was the intensity of the work (6RM) and keeping the focus on strength in training the pushup. So, whether you are traveling and can’t take your bench press with you or are on your one-arm pushup journey and still need to build your base level of strength, the band-resisted pushup can be used to build strength in your pushup.


For additional programming ideas for the pushup check out this classic article on


1 Joaquin Calatayud, Sebastien Borreani, Juan C. Colado, Fernando Martin, Victor Tella, and Lars L. Andersen 29(1)/246–253 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research: Bench Press and Push-up at Comparable Levels of Muscle Activity Results in Similar Strength Gains.

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