Subject: Happy July 4th—Resilience and Challenges

July 4th, America’s Independence Day, has special meaning in the US just as it does in any country that has an established Independence Day. And while we here in the States celebrate this day, what can we draw out that is universal?


“Sometimes carrying on, just carrying on, is the superhuman achievement.”—Albert Camus

Whether individually or collectively, resilience is a key quality in life for everyone. Life will provide challenges. It will provide challenges of every shape, size, and dimension. Sometimes those challenges are of our own making and sometimes life provides them, but regardless of the source, it is our resilience that allows us to continue. To carry on.

Not just continue but ideally to be strengthened. To learn, to change, to adapt, to carry on.

Can we develop resilience?

I would argue, yes. But how?

Take on a challenge.

Take on a challenge by choice. While we will all have times in our lives where we must embody the quote from Camus and carry on, we can choose our challenge at other times and build resilience.

Achieving the Simple standard from Simple & Sinister is a challenge. Meet the standards for the Sinister challenge. You can find more information about the Simple and Sinister standards here. Taking on the StrongFirst SFG I certification is a challenge. The snatch test is a challenge.

These are challenges that will test your will, that will test your ability to carry on. Intelligently approached these are achievable challenges.

Once one challenge is achieved…you are stronger and better prepared for the next.

So, on this Independence Day, enjoy, celebrate, and perhaps take a moment to choose a challenge and build your resilience.

We wish everyone a Happy July 4th and celebrate your resilience. You made it this far and you can carry on.

Kettlebell Simple & Sinister™

World’s #1 kettlebell program for beginners and beyond