Subject: Four powerful progressions to achieve the One-Arm Pushup

“Without standards, there can be no improvement.”—Taiichi Ohno

One of the aspects of the School of Strength that separates it from other certifications is our standards. Each certification has rigorous but achievable technique, teaching, and performance standards. The standards ensure that the individual has put the work in and can coach the techniques and demonstrate them to StrongFirst standards.

One such standard is the one-arm pushup (OAPU) and one-arm/one-leg pushup from the SFB Certification. Brett Jones, StrongFirst’s Director of Education, once called these “exercises in total body tension.” The journey to meet this SFB standard is one where the pieces are greater than the whole. In other words, you will learn more than the OAPU in achieving this standard.

Catherine Buck Le, StrongFirst Certified Team Leader, lays out four powerful tools to assist you on your OAPU journey. She begins:

“When I first attended the StrongFirst Bodyweight (SFB) Certification in 2016, I failed the one-arm pushup test that weekend. Having recently passed the SFG Level I Certification seven months prior, I was new to StrongFirst methods and strength training and still in the early stages of becoming strong.

Fast-forward to today, 2023, I have now passed the one-arm pushup (OAPU) test four times: at the SFB in 2016, 2019, and 2022, and at the SFL (to recertify my Elite status) in 2021.

Each time I train for the OAPU test, I learn more about this multifaceted movement that delivers so much more than just upper body strength. Practicing the OAPU not only yields tremendous symmetrical pushing strength, it’s also a full-body exercise that recruits and challenges the midsection, lats, glutes, quads, and even the hands and feet.”

Read the full article here.

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