Subject: Conquering the one-arm pushup at any age

The standards of the StrongFirst School of Strength set us apart. Not elite or elitist these standards while challenging are achievable. They demonstrate the work and dedication of a student of strength.

One of those standards that challenges many students is the one-arm pushup (OAPU) or one-arm/one-leg pushup for the SFB StrongFirst Bodyweight Instructor Certification. It is not unusual for SFB candidates to use the 6-month after the weekend to complete this test. It takes dedication and intelligent training.

Mark Benito, StrongFirst Certified Elite Instructor, achieved this standard at 63 and proceeded to achieve Elite (possessing all four StrongFirst certifications) at the age of 66.

Mark explains:

I obtained my StrongFirst Elite certification after turning 66. Better late than never, I say. At 60, after spending 40 years in a sedentary job, I discovered a passion for all things StrongFirst. Until then, I got my exercise jogging, coaching, officiating youth sports, and would occasionally go to the gym to use the machines.

I found it to be a fascinating experience, and it sparked a question: Which exercise provides the greatest overall benefit?

Often the answer is the kettlebell get-up because it engages different muscle groups while controlling an off-center load through many different angles. There is also a compelling argument for the barbell deadlift, which utilizes the whole body and helps maintain and improve bone density. Personally, I would argue for the OAOLPU.

Click here to read about Mark’s journey to conquer the OAPU, key technique points, and his favorite OAPU variations.

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