Subject: Build strength and muscle with a radical tactic

Muscle hypertrophy training thrives on acid—at least up to a point.

Pure strength training cannot stand the acid because the latter interferes with the “nerve force.”

Which is why distinctly separate methods for strength and mass exist.

But once in a while a method comes along that does it all without compromise. One such method combines standard bodybuilding sets—moderate reps almost to failure—with powerlifting long rests.

Consider the graph below. An athlete has performed an all-out set of strict military presses for reps. His repetition maximum was recorded as 100% on the “Y” axis. Let us say it was 10 reps (10RM).

On different days he was retested after rest periods of different lengths: in minutes on the “X” axis.

RM, as 100%, after rest periods of different lengths
As you can tell from the graph, after a minute of rest—not unusual for bodybuilders—he could barely put up 4 reps, less than half of his first, fresh effort. This was due to many factors: nervous system fatigue, a high concentration of lactic acid, incomplete recovery of creatine phosphate, the “rocket fuel” powering intense contractions, etc.

It took full 10min before our athlete was back to 100% and able to crank out 10 reps again.

Then things got really interesting. At 20min he exceeded his previous best by 20% and knocked off 12 reps!

All-out (to “refusal”) sets of medium, 6-12, reps done with perfect technique in a fresh state provide a perfect stimulus for both strength and mass. If you know your way around the gym, do the following for the next 6 weeks.
  • Pick your favorite strength and size builder: the barbell back squat or bench press, the kettlebell double military press, the weighted chin-up, etc.
  • Identify a 6-12RM weight.
  • After a warm-up of choice do as many perfect reps as possible.
  • Perform 3 sets resting for 10-20min between them.
  • Do some easy training for the same muscle groups 3 days later.
  • Add a set next week and another a week after. Then start over with 3 sets:
Weekly progression table
  • Whenever your reps reach 12 in any set, increase the weight the week after.
  • Take it easy on week 7.
  • Behold your new strength and mass on week 8. Report your gains on our forum.
  • Switch to a different training program. Training to “refusal” is a powerful short term tactic, not a long term strategy.
  • Learn how to program like a pro at this special seminar:
PROGRAMMING IMPROV: Strength Training Case Studies with Pavel Tsatsouline and Fabio Zonin—Information
on April 30-May (Sign up before the price goes up this weekend)


In VICENZA, ITALY on June 4-5

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