In Soviet sports the
variable method was used extensively in all sports to improve every quality and skill imaginable. The essence of the method is to change one variable throughout the training session. Following is one of the many ways it can be applied to your
A+A training.
Double the reps per set every 5min.
For instance, if your regular kettlebell swing or snatch session calls for 5 reps on the minute, make it 10 reps every fifth set: 5, 5, 5, 5, 10.
A classic Soviet study concluded that, counterintuitively, an occasional mild acid burst revs up the aerobic metabolism.
The key is not to overdo it. Making your “acid spikes” too long or too frequent will have the opposite effect: depressing your aerobic metabolism.
Introduce the above tactic into your A+A regimen once a week or every other week and enjoy even better results.
To discover a wealth of anti-glycolytic training techniques and tactics, attend the
Strong Endurance™ seminar taught by Pavel.