Subject: A Safer Get-up

At StrongFirst we look at safety as part of proper performance, not something we hope happens. In the Get-up, an exercise with a long time under tension that transitions through multiple postures and positions, we can enhance our safety by learning how to perform a press throughout the exercise.

Safer by pressing? Really?

While learning the Get-up at a lighter weight incorporating the press at each step teaches you to pull the kettlebell to the rack position through the Get-up. Once you have this skill you can self spot and pull the kettlebell to the rack position at any point of the Get-up.

If you feel unsteady or unsure...pull it to the rack. Safety becomes part of proper performance.

This article will show you how.

And if you want to take a deeper dive on the Get-up look for this weeks new article by Tony Gracia, StrongFirst Certified Senior Instructor, this Thursday.

Kettlebell Simple & Sinister™

World’s #1 kettlebell program for beginners and beyond