Subject: This simple nursery rhyme can transform a vln bow hold forever!
This simple nursery rhyme can transform a vln bow hold forever!
July 22nd, 2022 at 11:44 am AWSTHello Friend, This simple nursery rhyme can transform a child’s violin bow hold forever!!! This song and concept has been a game changer since the day I came up with it about 10 years ago! And it is SO simple!! When your child h ...
A story about my taxi driver after the AUSTA conference
July 18th, 2022 at 9:13 am AWSTEarly Childhood Toolkit Notes and Videos just for you! Hello friends, I was on my way back to Melbourne airport after a vibrant AUSTA string teacher conference and had the most inspiring taxi driver. (More about this in a second.) My h ...
Rewards and Raps! Use this Rap to give lessons a boost!
June 15th, 2022 at 10:34 pm AWSTCheck out the Rap lyrics attached so you can give it a try! ;) Hello Friend, Whether to reward students is a topic that I see regularly debated... intrinsic motivation vs extrinsic motivation. Over time, I have moved away from what wa ...
Solving posture problems...
May 24th, 2022 at 3:52 pm AWSTHello Friend, Have you ever found that your violin and viola students' instruments start out well balanced and aligned and as they hold them, your students become more and more tired as pesky tension sneaks in?! We need to encourage ...
My 4yr old students struggled to understand beat vs rhythms
May 16th, 2022 at 5:58 pm AWSTDeciphering beat vs rhythms Hello Friend, I discovered last week that my 4 yr old students think that rhythm and beat are the same thing - eek! They won't be the first or the last, it's such an easy assumption to make. Today, I came i ...
Did I just accidentally delete your reply??
May 12th, 2022 at 8:05 pm AWSTHey Friend, I could kick myself, I was just checking my spam folder and I accidentally permanently deleted a reply to my email, without even getting to read it. If this was you then I'm so sorry and please do try again! I will be more ...
I learned a lot from my teaching today...
May 12th, 2022 at 6:17 pm AWSTHey Friend, I was giving some enthusiastic and busy cute 4-5 year old students their first ever violin lesson today and despite me being experienced and thoroughly prepared, as usual there was a lot for me to learn! I thought I would ...
How it actually feels to put yourself out there!
May 5th, 2022 at 2:02 pm AWSTHey Friend, Have you ever created something new and felt trepidation at the thought of having to show it to people? This is me, every. single. month. Every month, I make a new teaching resource to share with my subscribers in my Strin ...
Treasury of Violin and Viola Games eBook
May 1st, 2022 at 8:14 am AWSTIt's finally here, what you've all been waiting for! They're finally HERE! The violin and viola games you've all been waiting for are ready to help you bring your string lessons to life and engage with even your most resistant learner ...
Hey Giusy :)
April 28th, 2022 at 11:54 am AWSTHello Giusy, This is a personal message just for you. I was looking through my stats and I noticed that you were one of the teachers who clicked the link to the Gingerbread Boy gift resource. I would LOVE to know whether you have used ...
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