Ideas for using this music... |
Anyone who knows me, knows I love to encourage play and exploration...
Why not use this music to discuss tone quality? Close your eyes and imagine opening up a jewellery box with a ballerina. Would she move lightly or would her movement be heavy? Experiment with different arm weights and bow speeds.
What about if you opened up the box and saw a dancing dinosaur? He he he
Ask the children to model what these movements would look like if there's space.
Hit reply to this email to let me know if you have any thoughts or ideas?
I originally wrote this piece about 6 years ago for a little student of mine called Martha, back when I was teaching in the U.K... her mum has kept the scrap of manuscript paper I scribbled it on... You never know, one day it might be worth something when I'm rich and famous, ha ha ha 😜 But Martha's mum has warned me, it's been scribbled on. I wonder if the scribble will make it more valuable?! 😂
I am happy for this music to be used and loved. There is nothing better on this planet than inspiring children to play. If you do decide to share this, please may you credit me and encourage friends and colleagues to sign up to receiving my emails?
Feel free to contact me regarding professional development and the launch of my online Stringosaurus Treasure Trove Library of games and resources for beginner violinists. I'll be launching a trial version shortly so will be looking for volunteers to test it out. Woo hoo! More to come. Reply to this email if this tickles your fancy.