Subject: Your update November... a new left hand resource in the making!

And don't forget to get into the Christmas Spirit too ;)

Hi Teachosauri,

I hope this email finds you all well! Welcome to November already!

Last month, I offered your students the opportunity to have positive and constructive feedback on something they've been working on, no matter how small.

I was delighted to be sent video clips and Stringosaurus took it upon himself to personally reply via video.

This was such a hit, I would love to continue this again this month!

Show me those pieces, violin holds, bow holds or whatever you like!

There is an amazing new resource in the making... a picture book pdf for your little ones all about left hand finger placement.

It's going to be super cute, giving each finger on the left hand a big personality!

I'm looking for pictures of various left hands (no faces)...

I've realised it's super tricky to get young kids to model still for long enough to click the button... ha ha ha.

The more hands we get, the more diverse our representation can be. Yayyyy

This is a breakdown of what we need pictures of if you would enjoy being part of the project: (No pressure of course)

  1.  fingers hovering over the string

  2.  first finger down the rest hover

  3.  1st and 2nd down close together, semi tone the rest hover

  4. 1st and second down with a gap as a tone, the rest hovering

  5. 1st, 2nd as a tone and 3rd down (4th hovering)

  6.  all fingers down gently including 4th, curved with a high second finger

  7. One how NOT to do it, ha ha ha

So exciting!

One more thing... make full use of the EPIC Xmas section in the Stringosaurus Hub this season.

Click here to see what skill level these pieces are for and how to use them. Yayyy

Warmest regards,