Subject: You asked and here it is!!

When I see you need something, I need to help you do it!


You asked and I'm delivering!

In just one day last month, 3 different teachers asked me about how to teach vibrato to kids.

When you tell me you need something, I want to give you the tools you ask for!

Those tools I'm talking about?

It's my brand new set of 3 vibrato activities, Kid's Vibrato Made Easy!!

You want to feel confident in how you approach teaching vibrato... this is how I do it.

You're going to learn how to make these technical concepts stick through powerful and hilarious imagery which means that this set will come in useful for years to come!

With the Kid's Vibrato Made Easy set, you're going to learn:

  • How to BREAK DOWN vibrato into 3 simple and clear steps.

  • How to DEMONSTRATE the 3 elements confidently.

  • How to encourage vibrato to be FREE from the start (ever notice that sometimes movements become mechanical?? Well now you will see how we LOOSEN UP from the start!)

  • How to keep the children FOCUSSED on the details using the rhyming imagery!

Implement this set into your teaching and you'll feel like you can tackle anything!

It's only $12.95 to purchase right now, but next Friday this set will go back up to $17.95 as that is when it's being launched into the Resources Hub for members.

A couple of weeks ago, I tried this set out on various students and they quickly got the concepts. It made a big difference for my students to have these videos emailed to them to practice at home after the lesson.

I want you and your students to thrive.

Want to join us?? Grab your set now before the Early Bird pricing goes up!

Warmest regards to you all!

Laura :)

PS Even if you're swamped, you're going to be able to make time to go through this set. The videos are literally less than 1 minute each and the explanations and objectives are simplified in bullet points. Click here to make teaching vibrato easier.