Here’s what Jane said about her first sessions:
"My first sessions with my two classes were beautiful. The children snuck in quietly to the classroom to see ‘a flower’ of violins which will hopefully grow into a garden of beautiful melodies very soon. This felt appropriate as we are at a school with a name which includes GARDENS.
The students paired up and chose a violin case. They explored 4 or more interesting parts on the case and we chatted about these parts.
Then one student was allowed to use zip and de-velcro the case to reveal the instrument. Cue squeals and gasps. So cute. We looked at the different parts and then took them out and sang the hokey pokey to new lyrics.
Put the violin in and the violin out, in, out and shake it all about, we bring it in to the rest position, we are all so clever.
We looked at the bows and discussed their safety. The students took turns to use them as wands to turn me into various animals. Hilarious. We put them back in the cases and plucked gently different strings. Zipped up the violins and put them back in our flower.
End of lesson. The kids were so happy and excited and can’t wait until next week. They boasted to jealous siblings and the principal about their learning. Perfect. Inspiring.”
Thank you Jane for inspiring me and making my heart full this week! Hope you all have a wonderful week ahead. Tell me about the recent wins in your teaching?
Love Laura |