I ran an early childhood string professional development workshop today, here in Perth. To motivate myself (and other educators) to want to spend two hours of their holiday learning, I lured them with the promise of afternoon tea... (or arvo tea here is Aus!)
I was sooo proud of myself getting lots of yummy food. But I did forget something pretty important...
The Milk!
So this workshop will now be solemnly remembered as the "No Milk PD".
Ha ha it didn't stop us learning together and having a ton of fun!
Some excellent questions were raised which I'll put to you...
If parents can't attend lessons, how do we educators get the parents on board with practice? Or how do we get young children to practice independently?
I have my thoughts on these questions, but before I spill my beans, press reply with your ideas because the more we share ideas, the more kids we can really make a difference to.
Love Laura