Subject: The craziest teaching experiment I've ever done...

I am almost too embarrassed to tell you this...

Hello Friend,

This little story happened about 4 years ago and I wrote it down at the time and shared it on social media. It's fascinating to see how far my teaching philosophy has developed...

I have been EXPERIMENTING recently and it’s very CRAZY indeed! It involves a massive paradigm shift from a traditional style of teaching...

My 6 year old cutie, Eva has been the ‘lucky ducky’ to have been at the core of my experiment. It was no ordinary bedtime routine practice for us yesterday!

The BIG question I was asking myself was...

Is it possible to teach violin to our Early Years students using imaginative play and inquiry based teaching and what are the benefits if any?

Part 1 of working with Eva has been hilarious. I have been seeing how little I need to talk.

Instead of me talking all the way through the sessions, I have been speaking by... (I’m almost too embarrassed to say...) Miaowing!!!!! I’ve been pretending to do the voice and character for black cat. Cat has been guiding Eva!!

I know totally crazy, but this experiment is based on research from experts on how young children need imaginative play along with opportunities for inquiry.

I’ve noticed that Eva has thought more for herself about what she’s been doing. She’s asked herself questions that have been guided by me. And when she’s needed extra help, black cat has whispered in my ear and I’ve translated, which means I have spoken normally too, just a huge amount less!

The best thing for Eva has been that she has enjoyed being in an imaginative play world and hasn’t felt like she was ‘in a lesson’!

I feel it’s always good to question how we teach our little ones... what is it they really need?

How can we make it personal to them?

How can it be engrossing and fascinating?

Warmest regards,

Laura x

Ps. My next 20 subscribers in January will be eligible to receive a FREE 30 minute video consultation with me to discuss their teaching and needs. (Usually worth $60!) I love meeting you and getting a better understanding of what you actually need to teach your little ones. Sign up today and I'll email you the link to my calendar.