Early childhood string teacher,
Your work is truly grand,
Guiding young minds with patience,
Creating music, hand in hand.
The joy that you bring to children's lives,
Through violin, viola, and cello,
Is a precious gift that they'll cherish,
And one that they'll never let go.
Your dedication to teaching strings,
Is a beacon of hope and light,
For those who may not know the beauty,
Of music in their sight.
So take heart, beautiful teacher,
And know that you're deeply valued,
For the way you inspire and teach,
Is a treasure that can't be measured.
Your work may seem daunting at times,
But remember the smiles and laughter,
Of the children whose lives you touch,
And the music that they're after.
For in the end, it's the love you share,
And the passion you instill,
That will shape their lives forevermore,
And inspire them to fulfill.
So thank you, early childhood string teacher,
For all that you do and give,
Your dedication and passion,
Help children learn to live.
Warmest Regards
PS. Coming to the Hub on the 1st April, an amazing new resource based on process learning. More info coming soon!!
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