Subject: Some questions for you...


Do you teach younger students? 

How do you engage them? 

What do you teach them? 

How do you communicate with their parents? 

How do you keep them motivated long-term? 

The Stringosaurus Resources Hub has the ANSWER to these questions.

You’re going to create a SOLID pathway of transformation for your students so you help them get MAXIMUM results on their instruments (and as musicians) so they LOVE learning.

You’re going to locate resources which tackle violin position, set-up, bow holds, basic bowing action, music theory and SO much more!! 

And just so you know…ALL the resources are designed for you to DOWNLOAD and send straight to parents so that your students can practice at home, I mean who's got the time to make these things to send home?

You’re going to discover:

  • How to approach early childhood from a completely different perspective

  • How to help craft a love of music making from the very beginning

  • How to save time and energy with easy to locate resources

  • How to set up the violin in an age appropriate manner, with PEDAGOGY GOLD!

  • How to use story-telling to convey important messages whilst fascinating children

  • And so much more than I can list in just an email! 

There are 8 Resource-Rich categories structured so that you can teach on the go

you can also download the 80+ resources to send home to students. 

PLUS you’ll get BONUSES like: 

Direct access to Laura in our warm and friendly FB community

Resource requests... every month, Laura launches a new resource into the Hub, designed especially for your students. Teachosauri (my amazing subscribers) regulalry make requests.

You’re ready to make the most of your early childhood teaching. I can FEEL it. You’re ready to acknowledge that you have everything you need IN YOU to make teaching little ones rich and rewarding. 


All you need…

>> to CLICK HERE to access the tools that will help you reach your early childhood teaching goals... (And call yourself a Teachosaurus ha ha)

Warmest regards,


PS: What will make your life easier is exploring the Resources Hub RIGHT NOW so you can enjoy it later. Don’t continue to fight your way to teaching early childhood when you have access to the easiest path available.