Subject: See what I've been busy doing to get organised...

Do you love to be organised? Do you love lists?

Hello Friend,

I LOVE organising things. (Apart from doing the washing! Ha ha)

Are you an organiser too?

I never stop organising my Stringosaurus resources because it's important that they are ACCESSIBLE and easy to implement for my Teachosauri.

Often, we are looking to solve a problem or to set up and scaffold a particular skill.

  • We may do that using our spontaneous creativity and imagination

  • We may use a particular method or training or

  • We may need various ways to solve and set up our students, a magical combination AND that is where my Stringosaurus Resources come in...

YES they absolutely work as a stand-alone beginner method

BUT they are also the magic glue to what you're already doing. They bring about joy and pedagogy combined!

I've spent the last couple of days inputting data from my Bowing Basics resources so that all my Teachosauri can easily select the BEST resource that BEST matches their student.

We do need to treat our students as individuals so by having the Resources Hub at your fingertips, you can hand pick your teaching materials.

Hope you all find this useful! Check out the full list here...

The 7 Dino Rhymes for Melodious Bowing Chimes will be the new resource for February... You won't want to miss these because they cover so much bowing ground for beginners!

Warmest regards,


Ps. (Only 9/20 spots remaining) My next 9 subscribers in January will be eligible to receive a FREE 30 minute video consultation with me to discuss their teaching and needs. (Usually worth $60!) I love meeting you and getting a better understanding of what you actually need to teach your little ones. Sign up today and I'll email you the link to my calendar.