Subject: Rewards and Raps! Use this Rap to give lessons a boost!

Check out the Rap lyrics attached so you can give it a try! ;)

Hello Friend,

Whether to reward students is a topic that I see regularly debated... intrinsic motivation vs extrinsic motivation.


Over time, I have moved away from what was a dependence on prizes and stickers (which I still use sparingly), to creating ways to make the process of learning rewarding!

For my beginner students, I have a list of easily accessible 'treat music' which I use to bring a lesson to life, reward hard work or to end the lesson with energy!

Allow me to introduce our newest resource coming into the Hub in July:

Stringosaurus String Names Rap Play-along!

I've tried my best to rap... it's my first attempt (and probably my last!) Ha ha ha!

I have questioned my sanity several times, more than usual in fact! Why on earth would I make a rap? I am officially the most uncool person out there!

Luckily, the answer has also been in the forefront of my mind. To make the early days of learning a stringed instrument fun, engaging and accessible to everyone.

This Rap is what I think of as Treat Music... I use this kind of thing as a treat at the end of a lesson, to celebrate something that went well, or to leave the lesson feeling energised. Do you want to see a clip?

The Stringosaurus Strings Rap will be in the Stringosaurus Resources Hub from July 1st, available to all my amazing Teachosauri, (aka subscribers).

Sign up today to experience more play-along videos, stories and songs to add to your early childhood string teaching toolkit!

I work closely with my amazing community of teachers and always design my next resource around their needs. I want as many children as possible to benefit from these resources so I can't wait to have you join us!

Whilst you wait for the Rap to be launched in July, I'll attach a photo of the lyrics below, just in case you want to give the rapping a go! :) Go on, be brave! Your students will LOVE you for it!

What are your thoughts on using rewards? Reply and let me know.

Warmest regards,

Laura x :)

PS. Here are the current prices to join the Hub. They are unbelievable value right now!!