Subject: My string students' most requested story!

The Gingerbread Boy is a special gift for you to enjoy with your students.

Hello Friend,



and the Gingerbread Boy!

This resource (storybook PDF, audio and interactive video) is a special gift for you Friend, so that you can see for yourself just how amazing Stringosaurus is!

Introduce your students to the new characters who are chasing the Gingerbread Boy:

Whole Note, Half Note, Quarter Note and the Eighth Notes!

Cheeky Stringosaurus sneaks in at the end to 'help' the Gingerbread Boy cross the stream, but can he be trusted?

Children can sing along with the video and play the note value characters either clapping, or on their instruments, choosing a string to pluck or bow on. We also love bowing the note values on our shoulders.


At the end of the story, we all have a vote to say whether or not we would have eaten the Gingerbread Boy! The kids love it!

Please share this resource with your own personal students so they can practice it at home. Thank you for being considerate and not sharing it with other teachers, just direct them to my website instead. :)

Please reply and let me know if it's useful?

Warmest regards to you all!

Laura :)