Subject: It's not too late... but only a few hours left!

I am SUPER excited for you…

You can now access over 80 of my best-used resources & teaching materials with 20% off ALL subscriptions! (Ends in just a few hours!!)

These include:

Christmas song & play-alongs

 Amazing posture, violin position and alignment videos & activities

 Bow hold/balance story & games

 Performance preparation colouring & practice challenge

 Play ideas & inspiration

 10 beginner engaging lesson plans

 Building routines & create an understanding of early childhood needs.


PLUS an entire eBook Treasury of Games, amazing and versatile warm-ups and loads more!!

 The Gingerbread Boy play along to introduce note values

 Jungle String play-along for beat and string recognition

Actually, pretty much everything you need to grow your gorgeous early childhood string lessons around your busy schedule.

Not only that, but you also get:

 An amazing exclusive online community of teachosauri where friendships are made

 Support and guidance from Laura

 A new resource or training every month based on the needs of the Teachosauri

YES, ALL THAT and 20% off all subscriptions and store!!! ENDS TODAY!! Use coupon: BLACKFRI

What's not to love?


I'll see you in there and I can't wait to help you!

Warmest regards,


PS: Our December content is our play-along magical Nativity lullaby for complete beginners.

Use coupon: BLACKFRI