Subject: I haven't always been an early childhood strings expert

The day I couldn't stop crying

I consider myself difficult to make cry. I'm not sure why that is, I cried a lot as a child, so maybe I got it out of the way as an adult. ;)

So it came as a massive shock when after teaching a particularly challenging group of 5-6 year olds, I spent the rest of the day in floods of tears and had to cancel the rest of my day of teaching.

After all, I am supposed to be an 'early childhood string expert'.

So why would I tell you this?

I want you to know, you are never alone. I have had challenging teaching experiences too. I didn't just become an early childhood expert and I certainly didn't do it with ease. I have had to use research, plus my own trial and error to grow as a teacher and oh my, this day of tears certainly gave me plenty to reflect on!!

It is often the children where you fear you may never reach them, that help you grow the most. After my tears had dried up, I went back to that group class with a determination, heart filled with love (and forgiveness, much much harder!) and strategy to connect, structure and re-set.

There is always hope if you reflect, connect and understand your students. Work within your circle of influence, (which for me is working on myself first, before working on others).

Now, these same (now older) students seek me out to give me a hug and love coming to their lesson.

If you ever need help with anything to do with early childhood strings, I will probably have been there. Just reach out. I'm here for you.

Have you had any similar experiences?

Laura x

PS. Did you see my gift from a few days ago? Have you tried it yet?

We’re Searching for a Dinosaur  is a whole body warm up for string players and it provides the opportunity for discussion surrounding how sound is made on our instruments. Children discover that they create their instrument’s voices! Such a cool discovery to have at a young age.

Are you looking for details of my hugely successful community support group and resources hub so you can immediately take your teaching to the next level? Find out more here.