Subject: I felt like giving up...

Hello Friend,

I wanted to share with you a little story.

In Australia, we have come to the end of our long summer holiday. In order to be prepared for the start of term, I got to work invoicing parents. Yay such a fun job, isn't it? Ha ha!!

Then came a massive shock. One of my long-standing, hardworking, fantastic students, (one of those that is an absolute delight to teach) is out of the blue, giving up!

I have always had a wonderful relationship with this student, but the email from their mum was very basic and just two lines. She is no longer doing violin, she's focussing on piano and thank you.

It honestly made me want to cry. I felt a real sense of loss.

As string teachers we all know this feeling.

This experience actually had me questioning, WHY? Why do I teach? Why do I place so much emphasis on connection and building relationships? I invest in my students with everything I have got... What's the point?

She was the last person I would have expected to just stop.

Luckily, I am able to reason with myself.

Even when a professional relationship suddenly ends, I'm hoping that my student will have gained the following:

Self belief

Self love

Feeling of being unconditionally supported

Transferrable musical skills

Patience to problem solve

A LOVE of MUSIC and learning.

If I ask myself honestly, my student has definitely gained these qualities and skills. I feel proud of her. It has all been worthwhile, for me and my student.

If you are looking for support with your early childhood teaching, do reach out. It can sometimes feel like a lonely world out there. One of the amazing things about the Stringosaurus Resources Hub is the community that goes along with it... my Teachosauri!!

I loved the last email when I received email replies from some of you!

Warmest regards,

Laura xx