Subject: Gamifying the violin! Woooo hoooo

Hi Friend,

I first met Javier Navas Sánchez during the online ESTA España course, which I had the privilege of leading last year. From the start, he was bursting with energy—eager to learn and absorb everything I shared. But as I got to know him, I discovered he had just as much to offer in return. His creativity, thought-provoking insights (in the best way!), and boundless inspiration made a lasting impact on the group. So, I know you’re going to LOVE this...

🎵 Teaching Tip: The Power of Gamification in Violin Lessons by Javier Navas Sanchez from

Gamification introduces game-like elements such as visual aids, challenges, and rewards into the learning process.

This approach not only enhances student engagement but also simplifies complex techniques. Let’s explore some specific gamified techniques designed to make learning the violin fun and effective...

  • Spider on the Strings: During rests in the music, I place a small toy spider on the violin’s strings. The student is tasked with keeping the spider there during the entire rest period. This playful tool makes rests a fun challenge and ensures students focus on counting without losing interest.

Read more of Javier's splendid ideas here in his blog.

Founder & Creator of the Stringosaurus Resources Hub