Hello Friend,
I don't want you to miss out on our exclusive Early Bird promotion!
Sign up for our self-study mini course on Process-Inspired Violin Teaching now and get it for over half price - only AUD $49 instead of AUD $129! 🎉
Or sign up to the Stringosaurus Resources Hub to get access this and over 80 teaching resources - SAVE (AUD) $49 off all subscriptions using this code. (EARLYBIRD49)
Our mini course is perfect for those looking to improve their teaching skills and provide a more inspiring learning experience for their students. With 7 modules covering everything from process-inspired learning to communication strategies, you'll gain the skills and confidence you need to transform your teaching.
The mini course will be emailed to all early bird purchasers on the 1st April 2023, or for those signed up to the Stringosaurus Resources Hub, it will be in the Hub on the 1st April also.
Don't wait - sign up now and take advantage of this incredible offer before it's too late! 🚀
To PURCHASE as an EARLY BIRD in store for just AUD $49 (will be $129 - still amazing value) go to OUR STORE and the course will be emailed to you on 1/4/23
To SUBSCRIBE to the Stringosaurus Resources Hub before 1st April 2023 to get this and over 80 amazing teaching materials, go to REGISTER and use the promo code EARLYBIRD49 to receive a massive AUD$49 OFF!!
Current Teachosauri, it will be waiting in the Hub for you on the 1st April. :) Yayyy
Transform your teaching and sign up today!
Love Laura |