Hello Friend,
How are you and how is your teaching going?
It's officially that time of the year again, where we are all exhausted from teaching and now have Christmas and performances to contend with, on top of our usual workload.
I'm not ashamed to admit it, but sometimes I can feel very overwhelmed with all my roles. I think it's because I want to give everything and everyone 100%.
I guess that overwhelm is affecting many of us, which is why I am so motivated to try and help in any way I can... I truly believe that our lives feel richer and more fulfilled when we connect with one another and serve one another.
This song was the absolute favourite with my young violinists last year and this year, teachers from my newly launched resources hub have said that it's extremely catchy! Ha ha ha
There is a feeling of excitement from children as they love watching the whole video here and they immediately feel inspired to practice.
I have to laugh, because my own students get so excited that I'm a YouTuber! (I am close to 200 views on Laugh and Cheer now and have 60 subscribers, so not exactly going to become rich and famous at any point soon, ð
but spread the word and maybe together, we can get to 100 subscribers! ð)
When in 100 years time, my YouTube account finally goes viral, you can all feel proud you were there at the very start! ð
Today, I am gifting you 3 parts, open strings, melody and piano.
When you have discovered this song, you may want to introduce it to your viola and cello students and I have the feeling you will be itching for the full version which includes the verses and several combinations of backing tracks.
These extra parts can be found in our newly launched resources hub which has an entire Christmas section...
The hub is a comprehensive database packed full with over 70 (& growing) fun and creative ideas, games, stories, play-along videos, and songs aimed primarily for beginner violin students aged between 3-8, although many of the resources can also be adapted for older beginners.
"I adore how creative and imaginative the Stringosaurus approach is, and I will certainly use the new online hub to complement my violin and viola lessons!â S. F-V (Scotland)
Please hit reply and send me a hello so I don't feel like I'm just talking to myself. I love connecting with you.
Laura :)