Hello friends,
Do you ever feel tired when you teach back to back lessons and everything becomes a blur? It's almost as though you're not teaching at your best level.
I have this feeling, especially when working in a school environment.
The best way for me to overcome this uncomfortable feeling is to review where I am with my students and where they're heading. I feel it is harder when they don't practice, because you end up stuck on the same set of pieces and scales for an unmotivating amount of time.
I also find that getting stuck on pieces and scales happens when there is an upcoming performance or exam. How do you keep them moving forward and motivated? How do you teach your best lessons?
I have put together a really simple, free review page. You can do it collaboratively with your students and they can tell you how they are going... this can be a student led activity.
Do adjust it for your needs or use it as a rough brainstorm/guide for your own reflections.
Warmest regards,
Laura :)
PS. It's my birthday and to celebrate, I added into my store an amazing transformational posture bundle with a play-along video and more! It is heavily discounted just until the weekend. :) |