I want to share with you this gorgeous story:
Last week, I felt tired and inwardly grumpy.
I went into school and started my day with one of my wonderful students.
For some reason, she seemed to be taking ages to unpack and to start our usual child-led routine.
She took ages to get her violin out.
She decided to rosin her bow, ever so slowly
She seemed to be procrastinating.
As I was already tired, I was having to try extra hard to be patient. I wanted to say, HURRY UP! ;)
BUT I'm SO glad I didn't.
Because, this girl started to unfold a piece of paper.
She had been grappling with whether to share this or not.
She hadn't even told her parents she had made this.
I was honoured (and relieved I hadn't been inpatient) that she felt safe enough to share this with me...
Her own piece of creativity. Her way she expressed herself. Child-led.
This piece was composed in a moment of boredom... Yayyy to kids having the opportunity to get bored!!
It's called Mix-er-up-era.
She has been inspired by Kathy and David Blackwell Music 's Fiddle Time Joggers book. See how she's taken her favourite pieces and mixed them up?
Can you see which pieces have inspired her?
I LOVE the 'Stringosaurus' green colour.
I LOVE the swirly treble clefs
I LOVE that it doesn't matter whether it's perfect or not, we can celebrate, grow and learn.
I LOVE that she has marked the bars
and I LOVE the accent to gloriously finish!!!
I'm proud.
And this just happens to magically coincide with me writing an entire mini course on process-inspired violin learning.
It's these moments that are the breakthrough moments.
Love Laura
PS. Coming to the Hub on the 1st April, an amazing new resource based on process learning.
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