Here's what you get in the Stringosaurus Resources Hub
💫 9 fabulous categories packed with lesson plans, mini professional development videos, creative teaching ideas and our sought after interactive videos to help teach and scaffold complex technical skills. 💫 Real support in our private community
💫 Tailored support from Laura - Email her or contact her in the community group at any time and problem solve challenges together.
💫 Resource requests and ideas for future resources to make the resources relevant to your needs.
Here's the thing.
I used to allow certain circumstances to frustrate me when teaching... like when students forget their music.
This happened today. Neither of my violin students had brought their book.
I spend soooo long building up positive relationships with these kids that I don't want to ruin that. I want them to bring their books of course (quick email home) and then I simply popped my phone on their music stand and put on an interactive play-along video.
The children still enjoyed their lesson. I emailed the video home so they can practice it. The lesson wasn't wasted... INFACT, we used it to our advantage to scaffold and build on skills.
To me, having this readily available is MASSIVE!
💫 Prices increase TODAY IN JUST 3 hours on our first birthday, 18th October 2022 to reflect the quantity and quality of resources in the Hub. 💫 Register now so you don't miss out!
Did you know that you get to keep the price you sign up for as long as you stay subscribed?
Warmest regards,