Subject: inline style test

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Welcome to Stock Rover!
Stock Rover has streamlined the investment research process by combining data, news, links and analysis tools into one interactive dashboard.
These 10 quick steps for the free product will help you get oriented in no time. Plus, for the next 30 days you have access (no catches!) to our Premium membership. Check out 14 ways that Premium can save you time and money. To learn more about the free trial and Premium features, click here.

Get started with the Task Wizard. Begin by searching for 3 stocks through the first wizard prompt (“Research Stocks”). Need ideas? Try AAPL, INTC, and XOM—Stock Rover users' three most actively researched stocks this year.
The Navigation panel's preloaded datasets—organized by category—are useful launch pads for broader stock research. Click on different datasets to see them load in the Table.
Have you noticed how those tickers you added in step 1 are still present? They're called “research tickers” and they stay in the Table even if you switch datasets, making it easy to compare them to any set of stocks. To dismiss them, just click their ‘x’ button.
When your Table rows are populated, check out the tabs above your data. These “views” are...*
*For all 10 getting started tips click here!
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