Subject: The Piotroski High F-Score Screener

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Rover's Weekly Market Brief


DJIA: 21,206.30 (+0.60%)

NASDAQ: 6,305.80 (+1.54%)

S&P 500: 2,439.07 (+0.96%)


Gold: 1,280.90 (+1.01%)

Copper: 257.55 (+0.37%)

Crude Oil: 47.80 (-4.02%)


Increases in private wages and salaries led to a +0.4% increase in personal income in April’s Personal Income and Outlays report. Personal Consumer Expenditures (PCE) also increased by +0.4%, led by increased purchases of recreational goods and vehicles, and gasoline. The PCE core price index, the Federal Open Market Committee’s (FOMC) preferred measure of inflation, was up by +0.2% after March’s -0.1% decrease, bringing the Y/Y core price index to +1.5%, which is below the FOMC’s target +2.0%.


May’s unemployment rate dropped to 4.3%, with a decrease of 429,000 in the civilian labor force overriding the effect of a decrease of 233,000 in the number of employed. A lower than expected 138,000 jobs were added, with downward revisions for new jobs in March from +79,000 to +50,000 jobs and for April from +211,000 to +174,000 jobs. The average workweek was unchanged at 34.4 hours, and average hourly earnings were up +0.2% M/M, and 2.5% Y/Y.


The trade deficit widened by 5.2% in April to $-47.6 billion from a March deficit revised from $-43.7 billion to $-45.3 billion. Exports declined by -0.3% to $191 billion, with notable export declines for autos, telecommunications equipment and pharmaceuticals. Increases in imports for cell phones, computers and computer accessories helped raise total imports by +0.8% to $238.6 billion.

Upcoming Events:

Monday June 5 — Productivity and Costs

Monday June 5 — Factory Orders


Earnings Calendar


The Piotroski High F-Score Screener


Joseph Piotroski detailed a method for deciding whether or not a stock had solid financials and if they were getting better. His system used nine criteria targeting three areas: profitability, capital structure/financial liquidity, and operating efficiency. This week's featured blog will explain the criteria used to calculate Piotroski's F-score and evaluate the screener's results.

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Ideas this Week


Our Ideas panel this week features a diverse set of screeners: the popular Piotroski High F-score screener, a screener looking for stocks with a “buy” consensus from analysts, and a “bargain hunter” screener looking for GARP stocks on the cheap. See what they’re catching!

You can download any of our featured screeners directly into your account by clicking the “Add to Account” link.

Go to Ideas

How to Evaluate a Management Team


How can an individual investor judge the quality of a management team? Evaluating management is difficult and quite subjective. In this article, Stock Rover's CEO Howard Reisman shares the criteria and sources he uses to assess a company’s management team.

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