Subject: Stock Rover's New Buffettology Screener

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New Buffettology Screener in the Stock Rover Investor’s Library


Vintage Value Investing, which is one of Stock Rover’s affiliate partners had added an interesting new screener to our investor’s library. It is called the Vintage Value Investing's Wealth Builder screener and is available to our subscribers (Premium Plus level) in the Investor's Library.


There is also a corresponding Table View in the Investor’s Library with the same name that contains the criteria used for the screeners as columns in the table.


For those that are interested in what the screener does, the following paragraph describes the screener’s methodology.


The VVI Wealth Builder screener is based on Warren Buffett’s investing criteria depicted in the bestselling book: Buffettology. The company should have a 10-year past performance of generally increasing EPS with zero negative earnings years; long-term debt no more than 5 times annual earnings; average ROE over the past 10 years at least 15%; average ROIC over the last 10 years at least 12%; a margin of safety of at least 20% from fair value; and earnings yield higher than the long term Treasury yield. Additional screens for business health have been added to include favorable Altman Z, Piotroski F, and Beneish M scores. Lastly, to ensure solid growth potential, businesses must have an EPS 10-year average annual growth of 10%, and a sustainable growth rate of at least 10%.



GDP dropped -4.8% in the first estimate for Q1, following a 2.1% increase in 2019 Q4, with a technical note citing drops in demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Consumer spending dropped -7.6% vs +1.8% the previous quarter, with drops for durable goods (-16.1%) and services (-10.2%) offset by an increase in nondurable goods (+6.9%) spending. Nonresidential fixed investment dropped -8.6%, but was offset by a +21.0% increase in residential fixed investment, keeping overall fixed investment to a -2.6% drop. Government spending slowed to a +0.7% increase for the quarter, after a +2.5% rate in the previous quarter, as the federal government slowed defense spending to a +0.8% increase and pushed nondefense spending up by +3.1%. State and local government spending slowed to a +0.1% increase for the quarter.


The Federal Reserve held the prime rate to a 0.0% - 0.25% range, and expects to keep that range in effect until an economic recovery is well underway. They also said they would continue to purchase Treasury and mortgage backed securities in order to support the flow of credit to households and businesses. In a statement following the announcement, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell said that the severity of the downturn would depend on how quickly the virus was brought under control, and on government actions taken to “cushion the blow” and support the recovery. Chairman Powell also noted that the Federal Reserve’s role was limited to lending money, and that more direct support to people, businesses, and communities could make a critical difference in limiting long lasting economic damage.


In March, consumer spending was down -7.5% compared to February as services spending dropped by -$829.9 billion and goods spending dropped by -$104.9 billion. The decrease in goods spending was led by motor vehicles, and offset somewhat by an increase in spending for at-home foods and beverages. Prices dropped -0.3% overall, and core prices, excluding foods and energy, were down -0.1%. On a yearly basis, core inflation fell from a 1.8% rate to 1.7%, but overall inflation was down from 1.8% to 1.3% due to significant drop in energy costs (-6.1%). Wages were down -2.8%, and proprietors’ income was down -8.2%, but personal current transfer receipts, which include government benefits, were up +1.6%, limiting the overall personal income loss to -2.0% for the month. Personal savings rose from $1,345.3 billion to $2,168.9 billion, as the percent of savings as a percent of disposable income rose from 8.0% to 13.1%.

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Ideas This Week


This week we’re introducing the Vintage Value Investing (VVI) Wealth Builder Screener. This screener is designed to find stocks that meet the criteria for investment described in Warren Buffett’s Buffettology book. We're also featuring screeners that look at rising Altman Z scores and high Piotroski F-Scores to gauge financial health, both of which are components in the VVI Screener.


You can download any of our featured screeners directly into your account by clicking the “Add to Account” link.

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