Subject: Stock Rover V7 Final Release Candidate

Stock Rover V7 Final Release Candidate | View this email in your Browser
Stock Rover V7 Final Release Candidate
We are pleased to announce the availability of the final release candidate for the Stock Rover V7 beta program. The release will be available to you automatically the next time you log in to Stock Rover.
If you haven’t tried the V7 beta yet, we recommend you check it out. V7 has a more modern look and all the functionality is more tightly integrated and easier to find and select. To see Stock Rover V7 in action, log into your Stock Rover account and select the “Try V7 Beta” item from the drop down menu associated with your account name in the upper right hand corner of Stock Rover.
Once you are in V7, if you want to get back to the current version of Stock Rover, use the same dropdown in V7 and select “Back to Standard Version”.
Please note that much, but not all of the help text has been written for V7. We are writing more every day. The link to the help pages for Stock Rover V7 on the website can be reached by clicking here.
There are a series of blog posts that outline the new functionality and features incorporated in Stock Rover V7. I would recommend starting with the Introducing Stock Rover 7 Final Release Candidate blog post and also checking out the New Features in Stock Rover V7 and the More Great Tools and Tricks in V7 blog posts.
If you would like to send us feedback regarding V7, or report any problems or issues you are experiencing with V7, please contact us at
Thank you for your continued interest in Stock Rover.
Howard Reisman
Stock Rover
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