Subject: Stock Rover Premium: New Plans Sale!

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey, Productivity and Costs, International Trade | View this email in your browser


Rover's Weekly Market Brief


DJIA: 25,316.50 (+2.77%)

NASDAQ: 7,646.00 (+1.21%)

S&P 500: 2,779.00 (+1.62%)


Gold: 1,302.80 (+0.27%)

Copper: 327.50 (+5.70%)

Crude Oil: 65.63 (-0.27%)


There were 6.7 million jobs available at the end of April, up +65,000 from the previous month, with hires (5.6 million, +92,000) and separations (5.4 million, +86,000) also remaining relatively unchanged from March. Within separations, the rate of layoffs and discharges rose from 1.0% to 1.2%, but the quits rate remained unchanged at 2.3%. Job openings grew the most quickly for information (+6.0%), professional services (+5.7%), accommodation and food services (+5.7%), health care (+5.5%), and transportation (+5.0%), and, while the South had the most job openings at 2.3 million, the rate of openings grew the most quickly for the Midwest (+4.8%) and West (+4.4%).


Nonfarm labor productivity increased at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 0.4% in Q1 2018, with a +2.3% increase in hours worked taking away from a +2.7% increase in output. On a yearly basis output increased +3.6% while hours worked increased +2.3%, bringing productivity up +1.3%. A +3.3% increase in hourly compensation in Q1 and a +0.4% productivity increase brought labor costs up +2.9%. However, inflation adjusted real hourly compensation for Q1 2018 vs Q1 2017 dropped -0.2% overall for all nonfarm businesses, with rates varying from a -3.4% drop for non durable manufacturing to a +2.2% increase for durable manufacturing.


In April, exports rose +$0.6 billion to $211.2 billion, while imports dropped -$0.4 billion to $257.4 billion, shrinking the US goods and services deficit by -$1 billion to $46.2 billion. Compared to the same year-to-date period in 2017, both exports (+$62 billion) and imports (+$82.8 billion) increased, and the trade deficit was +$20.8 billion larger, Export increases in April included fuel oil (+$0.5 billion), soybeans (+$0.3 billion), and corn (+$0.3 billion), while civilian aircraft exports decreased -$2.8 billion. Imports dropped for cell phones (-$2.2 billion) and cars (-$1.0 billion), but increased for crude oil (+$1.0 billion). By country, trade deficits increased with China (+$4.7 billion to $93.4 billion) and Germany (+$1.7 billion to $18.7 billion), and the surplus increased with Canada (+$3.7 billion to $4.2 billion).

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Stock Rover Premium: New Plans Sale!


To help introduce Stock Rover's new Premium plans, we have been granting free Premium Plus access to Stock Rover Basic users, but free access expires Tuesday, June 12th. Take a look at Stock Rover's new Premium Plans and V7's new features, and find the plan that's right for you!

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