Subject: Stock Rover Future Income Tool

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Rover's Weekly Market Brief


DJIA: 21,052.50 (-2.70%)

NASDAQ: 7,373.00 (-1.72%)

S&P 500: 2,488.65 (-2.08%)


Gold: 1,647.80 (+1.40%)

Copper: 219.35 (+0.99%)

Crude Oil: 28.38 (+31.94%)


Future Income


We have added a powerful new capability to Stock Rover called Future Income. Future Income is available in two places in Stock Rover. First as a new tool in the Portfolio Tools section of Stock Rover, and second as a new section in the Dashboard. Read more about it in our latest blog post.



Consumer confidence fell -12.6 points to 120.0 in a survey from the Conference Board with a cutoff data of 3/19. Consumers' assessments of the present situation dipped slightly from 169.3 to 167.7, but the expectation index for the short term outlook plummeted from 108.1 to 88.2. Over the next six months, more consumers expected business conditions to worsen, income to decrease, and jobs to be less available. The Conference Board noted that “March’s decline in confidence is more in line with a severe contraction – rather than a temporary shock – and further declines are sure to follow.”


The Institute for Supply Management’s (ISM) March Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) fell from 50.1% in February to 49.1%. New orders had already been in contraction at 49.8%, and dropped a further 7.6% to 42.2%, and employment fell to 43.8% (‑3.1%). Respondents were negative on the near term outlook, citing the oil price war and impact of COVID-19, although comments from the Food, Beverage and Tobacco products industry noted a record number of orders. The ISM’s Non-Manufacturing Index dropped ‑4.8% to 52.5%, with business activity down -9.8% to 48%, and its first contraction since July 2009, and employment down -8.6% to 47%. Respondents in the construction and mining industries noted they were able to work around shutdowns, while other sectors such as education and retail were not, and health care and public administration were significantly impacted by shortages and price increases for personal protective equipment.


In a report compiled in the first half of March, there were 701,000 jobs lost and the unemployment rate rose to by +0.9% to 4.4%. The more comprehensive U-6 unemployment rate, which includes marginal and discouraged workers, was up +1.7% to 8.7%. About two-thirds of the job losses were in leisure and hospitality (-495,000), with additional losses in health care (-61,000), temporary help services (-50,000), retail trade (-46,000), and construction (-29,000). The average workweek was down -0.2 hours to 34.2 hours, with leisure and hospitality workers seeing a steeper -1.4 hour decline. Average hourly earnings were up +3.1% for the year, gaining $0.11/hour to $28.62 overall, and $0.10/hour to $24.07 for production/nonsupervisory employees.

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday April 7 - Job Openings

Wednesday April 8 - FOMC Minutes

Earnings Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Air Lines
First Republic
U.S. Gold
Rite Aid



Piotroski F-score


Our Ideas panel this week features three iterations of the popular Piotroski F-score screener that screen for financially strong companies. For details on what the Piotroski F-Score is, why it’s important, and how to use it in Stock Rover, take a look at this blog post on the topic.


You can download any of our featured screeners directly into your account by clicking the “Add to Account” link.

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