Subject: Stock Rover: A Destination for Dividend Research

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How to Research Dividends in Stock Rover
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Stock Rover was recently featured by the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) as a “go-to” online resource for dividends research, standing out in particular for the variety of dividend information available with our Basic (free) membership package. Author Jaclyn McClellan lays out a straightforward and sound practice for researching dividend information in Stock Rover using watchlists and views. Be sure to check our her “Dividends 2” view in our Library! (Instructions for using the library are here.) More dividend links below!
Read the AAII Article
The Fantasy Portfolio Blog Series: Dividend Growers
What are dividend growers, and how do you find them? For answers, check out our 5-part Fantasy Portfolio blog series. We go over everything from yield vs. growth, to dividend safety, to screening. If you’re interested in income investing, don’t miss this!
Explore the Series
Featured Webinar: All About Dividend Stocks
No surprise, this week’s featured video is our companion webinar to the Fantasy Portfolio blog series mentioned above. Get the rundown on dividends, plus a demonstration of where to find the information you need in Stock Rover.
Watch the Webinar
TARO: Does the champion hold up?
If you were following our March Midness tournament, you know that Taro Pharmaceuticals (TARO) won the tourney winning every round of the mid cap stock competition. We dove in to see if it was truly a good pick. Let's find out if the company really has game.
Read the Full Article
Have You Tried the New UI?
The Quotes Box, Portfolio Rebalancing, a handy new Start Menu, and much more—these are just a few of the changes we brought on with last month's release of Stock Rover 6.0. Be sure to take advantage of all the great new stuff!
See What's New
We hope you enjoy digging into dividends and more in Stock Rover.

Wishing you a productive week,

The Stock Rover Team

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