Subject: See What the Gurus Bought and Sold in Q3

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Rover's Weekly Market Brief


DJIA: 19,171.10 (+0.10%)

NASDAQ: 5,255.65 (-2.65%)

S&P 500: 2,192.01 (-0.96%)


Gold: 1,177.10 (-0.11%)

Copper: 262.90 (-1.46%)

Crude Oil: 52.59 (+14.18%)


November’s unemployment report showed progress in the labor market, with some caveats. The solid nonfarm payrolls gain of 178,000 just beat expectations, while the unemployment rate dropped to the lowest level in 9 years, 4.6% from the prior month’s 4.9%. Unfortunately, this decrease is largely attributable to a 0.1% drop in the participation rate (i.e., some unemployed people stopped looking for work). Another negative in the report is a 0.1% decline in average hourly earnings, which is the first negative reading of the year. On balance, however, the report adds to the likelihood that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates later this month.

The third quarter GDP got a substantial bump this week, from a prior estimate of 2.9% to the current estimate of a 3.2% annualized rate. This makes it the fastest growing quarter in two years. The new estimate includes a hefty increase in personal consumption expenditures and a decrease in inventory growth, which is a positive sign for future production levels. The current forecast for GDP growth in 2017 is 2 to 2.5%, although the forecasting contains a high degree of uncertainty due to some of the drastic policy changes proposed by the President-elect.

Durable goods orders picked up in October, and the momentum apparently carried into November. The ISM Manufacturing Index, at 53.2, is up 1.3% and beat consensus expectations by 9 tenths of a percent. Growth in new orders increased, while export orders held steady. Production rose 1.4% and inventories and backlog orders showed little change. On the whole, the report was seen as favorable, if not as strong as other November indicators.

Upcoming Events:

Tues December 6 — International Trade

Thurs December 8 — Weekly Jobless Claims

Earnings Calendar


Guru Portfolios Updated for Q3!


Wells Fargo, Dell, and Visa were some of the most popular buys for the world’s most famous investors last quarter. See what else was popular with the gurus by downloading their portfolios directly into your Stock Rover account from our Library. These sample portfolios are based on the real trades made by these investors, and they include a history of past trades.

Get guru portfolio stats and instructions for downloading from our Library below.

Gurus in Q3

Ideas: Try Out Guru Strategies


In keeping with the guru theme, this week our Ideas panel features screeners based on the strategies of three investing pros: James O’Shaughnessy (author of “What Works on Wall Street”), Benjamin Graham (the father of value investing), and Warren Buffett (you might have heard of him?). Enjoy!

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Trading to Lower Your Tax Bill


As the end of the year approaches, it’s a good idea to see where you stand with your capital gains and losses. There are a few simple strategies individual investors can use to lower their overall tax burden, like tax loss harvesting. If you’ve never done tax loss harvesting, check out our quick primer!

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