Subject: See What The Pros Are Buying

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Our guru portfolios have been updated for the most recent quarter! Head to the Stock Rover Library to see which equities are most popular with investing legends such as Warren Buffett (left). To import the portfolios: Login to Stock Rover and go to the Start menu, click 'Browse Library' and the navigate to the Portfolios section.

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Featured Webinar: Efficient Portfolio Analysis
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Are your picks beating the gurus? Check out our portfolio analysis webinar to learn how to efficiently and comprehensively assess portfolio performance, risk, individual holdings, and more. You'll pick up a variety of quick tips and portfolio testing techniques in Stock Rover.

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AAII Features Dividend Research in Stock Rover
Stock Rover was recently featured by the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) as a “go-to” online resource for dividends research, standing out in particular for the variety of dividend information available with our Basic (free) membership package. Author Jaclyn McClellan lays out a straightforward and sound practice for researching dividend information in Stock Rover, and be sure to check out her “Dividends 2” view in our Library!
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Speaking of Dividends...Check Out this Blog Series!
What are dividend growers, and how do you find them? For answers, check out our 5-part Fantasy Portfolio educational blog series. We go over everything from yield vs. growth, to dividend safety, to screening. Recommended for anyone interested in income investing.
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