Subject: Scoring Stocks With Stock Rover

Produce Price Index, Consumer Price Index, Industrial Production | View this email in your browser


Rover's Weekly Market Brief


DJIA: 26,090.00 (+0.41%)

NASDAQ: 7,797.00 (+0.71%)

S&P 500: 2,887.00 (+0.48%)


Gold: 1,343.70 (-0.18%)

Copper: 265.65 (+1.10%)

Crude Oil: 52.28 (-3.17%)


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Prices for final demand services rose +0.3% in May, but were held back by a -0.2% drop in final demand goods prices, edging overall wholesale inflation up +0.1% in May, and dropping the yearly wholesale inflation rate from 2.2% in April to 1.8%. Nearly 80% of the increase in service prices was due to a +9.2% increase in traveler accommodation services with an additional 8.4% increase in services arranging cruises and tours, while trade services, which measure changes in margins received by wholesalers and retailers, were down -0.5%. In goods pricing both food (-0.3%) and energy (-1.0%) prices were down and removing those components kept goods prices unchanged for the month. Core wholesale inflation, which removes the more volatile food, energy and trade services components, was up +0.4% for the month and ticked up +0.1% to 2.3% for the year.


Consumer prices rose +0.1% in May as increases in costs for services (+0.2%) and food (+0.3%) were buffered by drops in prices for energy (-0.6%) and used vehicles (-1.4%). Energy prices fell in all categories, with drops of -1.0% for piped gas, -0.8% for electricity, and -0.5% for gasoline. The largest increases in service prices were for airline fares (+2.0%) and hospital services (+0.5%), while prices dropped for motor vehicle repair (-0.2%) and motor vehicle insurance (-0.4%). Removing the effects of food and energy prices brought core inflation up +0.1% but yearly core inflation fell -0.1% to 2.0%. On a yearly basis prices rose the most for tobacco products (+4.6%), motor vehicle repair (+3.4%), and shelter (+3.3%) and dropped the most for apparel (-3.1%) and piped gas (-2.6%).


Utility production rose +2.1% in May, recovering from a -3.1% drop in April and leading gains across all categories of industrial production. Industrial production was up +0.4% overall for the month, recovering from an upwardly revised -0.4% slump the previous month, and up +2.0% for the year. Mining ticked up +0.1%, with a yearly gain of +10.0%, and although capacity usage slipped from 91.6% to 91.3%, mining capacity grew +7.2% for the year. Manufacturing grew +0.2% after having decreased -0.4% on average for the first four months of 2019 with manufacturing capacity remaining stable at 75.7%, but still -2.6% below its long run average.

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday June 19 - FOMC Meeting Announcement

Friday June 21 - Existing Home Sales

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Guru Portfolio Updates


Wondering which stocks the stock market Gurus are investing in? Visit Stock Rover's Library and import Guru inspired portfolios. Our latest updates include:

  • Bill Ackman - Pershing Square
  • Bill Gates Like
  • Bill Nygren - Oakmark Select
  • Bruce Berkowitz - Fairholme Fund
  • Carl Icahn - Icahn Capital Management
  • Daniel Loeb - Third Point
  • David Einhorn - Greenlight Capital Top 25
  • David Katz - Matrix Advisors Value Top 25
  • David Rolfe Top 25 - Wedgewood Partners
  • David Tepper Top 25
  • Dodge & Cox Top 25
  • Goldfarb & Poppe - Sequoia
  • New ETF Portfolio: Merriman
  • Seth Klarman - Baupost Group
  • Tweedy Browne Value Top 25
  • Warren Buffett Top 25
  • Weitz Value
  • Yacktman Focused - Top 25
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