Subject: New Stock Rover Screener Video

Existing Home Sales, New Home Sales, Durable Goods Orders | View this email in your browser


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New Stock Rover Screener Video


Stock Rover stock screening was recently named Best of the Web by the American Association of Individual Investors. We have created a brand new video that gives a tour of many of the key Stock Rover screeners. You can watch the video here.


Stock Rover Reviewed by Bullish Bears


Stock Rover was recently reviewed by Bullish Bears. The Bullish Bear review raved about Stock Rover’s comprehensive investment features and capabilities. You can read the press release here.



The National Association of Realtors reported that sales of existing homes dropped -2.2% in September to a seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of 5.38 million, although sales were +3.9% higher than a year ago. The median price for existing homes has been increasing for 91 consecutive months, and was $272,100 in September, up +5.9% for the year. The supply of existing unsold homes at the current sales pace was down from 4.4 months a year ago to 4.1 months in September. The report attributed quickly increasing prices to the lack of inventory and cited price increases as a reason why historically low interest rates have not increased sales as much as expected.


New home sales fell -0.7% in September from August’s 706,000 SAAR to 701,000, but were up +15.5% from September 2018’s 607,000 rate. However, the median sales price dropped -7.9% for the month from $325,200 to $299,400, and was down -8.8% over the year. By region, sales were up for the year in the Northeast (+29.6%), the South (+24.0%), and the West (+11.5%), but fell in the Midwest (-17.3%). The supply of new homes for sale at the current sales rate remained unchanged from August at 5.5 months, or 321,000 homes for sale.


New orders for durable goods were down -1.1% in September after three consecutive monthly increases, including an upwardly revised +0.3% rate for August, and were down -0.8% over the past 12 months. Transportation orders were down -3.6% primarily due to a steep drop in civilian aircraft orders (-39.3%) and a smaller drop in military aircraft orders (‑13.0%) which were somewhat offset by a +5.3% increase for motor vehicles. New orders excluding transportation were down -0.3%, with increases in electrical equipment/appliances (+4.3%), communications equipment (+3.3%), and fabricated metal products (+2.1%) offsetting drops for computers (-6.1%), primary metals (-3.7%), and machinery (-0.1%). Core capital goods orders, which exclude both defense and aircraft, were down -0.5% after a downwardly revised -0.6% drop in August, but were up +1.0% compared to September 2018.

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Rover's Investment Inspiration


This week we feature three screeners that use varying criteria to look for quality stocks:

  • Graham Enterprising Screener - intrinsic value based on earnings, dividends, assets and financial strength
  • Novy-Marx Quality - profits, momentum and value
  • Buffetology Inspired - criteria based on the best-selling Buffettology book

You can download any of our featured screeners directly into your account by clicking the “Add to Account” link.

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