Subject: New Features in Stock Rover

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Rover's Weekly Market Brief


DJIA: 25,871.50 (+1.04%)

NASDAQ: 9,946.00 (+3.73%)

S&P 500: 3,097.74 (+1.86%)


Gold: 1,755.50 (+1.05%)

Copper: 261.30 (+0.50%)

Crude Oil: 39.64 (+9.32%)


New Features in Stock Rover


We have added a number of cool new features to Stock Rover. In March we added the Future Income Tool which we wrote about in a blog post. And then in May we added Visuals, which is a comprehensive new facility for data presentation that can be fully customized to see data the way you like it. We wrote two blogs post about Visuals: what it is out of the box and how to customize it. In this latest blog post we cover a few additional features we added to Stock Rover this week that you might find useful.



Retail sales were up $73 billion (+17.7%) in May after an upwardly revised sales drop of -14.7% for April. Sales were up in all business categories with the largest gains in clothing (+188%, +$5.3 billion), furniture (+89.7%, +$3.7 billion), and sporting goods/hobby/book stores (+88.2%, +$3.3 billion). Year to date sales through May were down -4.7% compared to the same period of 2019, with the largest drops for clothing (-42.9%), electronics (-19.3%), furniture (-18.1%), and motor vehicles (-10.5%). Gasoline station sales were hit by both falling demand and low prices, dropping their year to date sales by -16.7%. Year to date sales increased for nonstore (e.g. online) retailers (+16.6%), grocery stores (+13.6%), building materials (+6.7%), and general merchandise stores (+2.6%).


Industrial production rose +1.4% in May but drops of -4.6% and March and -12.5% in April kept the yearly rate at a -15.3% decline. Oil and gas well drilling along with crude oil extraction continued to slow, pushing mining to a -6.8% drop in the latest and largest of 4 consecutive monthly declines, and mining capacity utilization fell from 81.2% to 75.4%. Manufacturing grew at a +3.8% rate, narrowing the yearly decline to -16.5%, and manufacturing capacity utilization rose from a low of 60.0% in April to 62.2%. Automotive products lead manufacturing growth for the month at a +81.9% increase (-57.8% Y/Y), followed by clothing (+21.6%, -25.8% Y/Y) and appliances (+9.4%, -19.1% Y/Y).


Housing starts grew to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of .974 million, up 4.3% from April, but down -23.2% from the 1.268 million unit rate in May 2019. Construction increased most in the West (+69.8%, +127,000 units), and the Northeast (+12.8%, +6,000 units) but gains were offset by drops in the South (-16.0%, -91,000 units), which makes up nearly half of nationwide residential construction, and the Midwest (-1.5%, -2,000 units). Forward looking building permits rose +5.2%, and were also up +5.2% for the year. The largest increase in permits was in the South (+12.8%, +11,000), followed by the Midwest (+6.3%, +1,000), while permits were unchanged in the Northeast, and dropped in the West (-5.6%, -3,000).

Upcoming Events:

Thursday June 25 - 2020 Q1 GDP

Friday June 26 - Personal Consumption Expenditures

Earnings Calendar

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Invesco Mortgage
KB Home
& Co



Go for Growth


What are the top growth stocks in the market right now? This week, our Ideas screeners take that question on. Each screener puts a slightly different spin on the growth search in order to turn up different picks. The usual suspects like FB, BABA, and NFLX often make the cut, alongside some fresh ideas as well. See if anything strikes a chord.


You can download any of our featured screeners directly into your account by clicking the “Add to Account” link.

Go to Ideas



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Wishing you a productive week,

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