Subject: More Great Tools and Tricks in V7

Retail Sales, New Housing Construction, Industrial Production | View this email in your browser


Rover's Weekly Market Brief


DJIA: 24,715.10 (-0.47%)

NASDAQ: 7,354.00 (-0.66%)

S&P 500: 2,713.00 (-0.55%)


Gold: 1,291.30 (-2.23%)

Copper: 307.05 (-1.32%)

Crude Oil: 71.29 (+0.83%)


Advance estimates for retail sales were +0.3% in April, and sales for March were revised upwards from +0.6% to +0.8%. After a -0.5% drop in February, motor vehicle sales recoved +2.1% in March, but slowed to a +0.1% gain in April, and were up for the year by +4.3%. Increasing prices helped push gasoline sales up +0.8% in April, and + 11.7% for the year. Retail sales not including motor vehicles or gasoline were up +0.4%, and +4.8% for the year with notable increases for miscellaneous retailers (+0.9%, +4.1% Y/Y), furniture stores (+0.8%, +6.1% Y/Y), and nonstore (i.e. online) retailers (+0.6%, +9.6% Y/Y), and drops in sales for personal care stores (-0.4%, -0.5% Y/Y), restaurants (-0.3%,+3.8% Y/Y), recreational goods stores (-0.1%, -1.1% Y/Y), and electronics/appliance stores (-0.1%, +1.7% Y/Y).


Housing construction slowed in April as drops in multifamily construction dragged down the seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) for both permits and construction. Multifamily permits dropped -7.4% overall, with the largest drop in the Northeast (-49%), while permits for single family homes edged upward +0.9%, with the largest gains in the South (+4.8%). Construction starts were also down -3.7% overall, with the Midwest (-22.4%) having the largest drop in multifamily starts and the South being the only region with an increase in single family construction at +17.2%. On a yearly basis, construction starts increased from a SAAR of 1.165 million to 1.287 million (+10.5%), with the largest gains in single family units in the South, and home completions were up from a SAAR of 1.095 million to 1.257 million   (+14.8%), with the largest gains for multifamily homes in the South (+48,000) and Northeast (+44,000) and single family homes in the West (+48,000).


Industrial production rose +0.7% in April for its third consecutive monthly increase, and March’s increase was revised upward from +0.5% to +0.7%, while February’s was revised downward from +1.0% to + 0.4%. Manufacturing output was up +0.5% (+1.8% Y/Y), as capacity utilization increased +0.9% over the last twelve months to 75.8%, 2.5% below its long run average. Production was up across all major market groups, with the largest increases in consumer goods (+0.9%, +3.4% Y/Y), business equipment (+1.2%, +1.3% Y/Y) and defense (+1.5%, -1.0% Y/Y). In consumer goods, a drop in automotive products (-1.1%, +3.3% Y/Y) and home electronics (-0.9%, +4.5% Y/Y) helped bring production for durable consumer goods to -0.6% (+2.3% Y/Y), while nondurable goods increased +1.4% (+3.7% Y/Y), with the largest increases in energy +1.2% (+6.5% Y/Y), clothing +1.4% (+1.2% Y/Y), and paper products (+1.2%, -3.9% Y/Y).

Upcoming Events:

Wednesday May 23 - Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) Minutes

Friday May 25 - Durable Goods Orders

Earnings Calendar

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More Great Tools and Tricks in V7


In our last few posts we’ve been showing off Stock Rover V7's cool new capabilities - this week's post will show you how to view historical data for table columns, use V7's expanded search function, and more.

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Profitable and Growing Mixed Caps


This week we feature three screeners to find profitable and growing small, mid, and large cap picks: the Growth + Profitability Ranker, the Large Cap Growth with Momentum Screener, and the Small Cap Growth Ranker.

You can download any of our featured screeners directly into your account by clicking the “Add to Account” link.

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